The European Project DESCI is focused on the improvement of an European methodological standards of alternating training in secondary technical and professional School system, through the development, at European level, of a kit of methodological tools for teachers, student and tutors, focused in TIC sector, that will be modular, simple and easy to use. The toolkits will act on two main groups of skills:
Basic skills:
- Problem solving and scientific thinking: exploration of reality and the resolution of problems connected with it
- TIC skills
Technical and professional skills
- create the opportunity for students, in synergy with business system, to apply the technology skills acquired, in real contexts, providing solutions to real problems and creating new marketable products.
Specific objectives:
- Improve the capacity of secondary school to prepare students intercepting the needs of the labor market improving connections between them
- Encourage the development of an european working methodology in secondary schools to ensure equal quality standards in the management of the alternating training
- To increase the school adequacy to develop basic skills needed to enter in the labor market (analytical ability, scientific thinking and problem solving, creativity and TIC skills)
- To increase the school adequacy to prepare students to use TIC most common in the technological sector, even thanks to partnerships with SME that could bring technology into the school
- To increase the ability of students to make sustainable career choices
- To promote the creation with a bottom-up approach of tools for the management of alternating training
- Promote the creation of communities of innovators who will adopt the system proposed
Attainment of the goal by the partnership will be favored by:
- the experience acquired during the conduction of the EU-funded project CREAT-IT, BIOHEAD – CITIZENS PROJECT, SCICAFE 2.0 and PLAY4GUIDANCE,
- the strong link with the school system,
- the methodology adopted, that involves final users in the toolkits design since from early stage, promoting a delivery system participated and shared
So, focusing on alternating training, DESCI will act in terms of methodological implementation and tools development at European level, to guarantee adequate and similar standards in all members countries (equality of opportunity for all European citizens).